Waikato People's Panel

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Join a special group of people from across the Waikato region as part of our online Waikato People's Panel.

As a member of the panel, we’ll email you every now and then with details about a project we’re working on, giving you the opportunity to give feedback. You’ll be our go-to-person to test ideas and make sure we’re on the right track.

Your responses will be shared with other Waikato Regional Council staff and councillors to help with decision making. As a result, they may appear in publicly available council agendas and minutes, but the information will be anonymous. Other Waikato People's Panel members will not have access to your responses.

This is your chance to have a say and provide us with direction.

If you have any questions, email post-it@waikatoregion.govt.nz or call us on 0800 800 401.

Join a special group of people from across the Waikato region as part of our online Waikato People's Panel.

As a member of the panel, we’ll email you every now and then with details about a project we’re working on, giving you the opportunity to give feedback. You’ll be our go-to-person to test ideas and make sure we’re on the right track.

Your responses will be shared with other Waikato Regional Council staff and councillors to help with decision making. As a result, they may appear in publicly available council agendas and minutes, but the information will be anonymous. Other Waikato People's Panel members will not have access to your responses.

This is your chance to have a say and provide us with direction.

If you have any questions, email post-it@waikatoregion.govt.nz or call us on 0800 800 401.

  • Kia ora! Thanks for your interest in the Waikato People's Panel. As a member of the panel, we’ll email you every now and then with details about something we’re either working on or consulting on, giving you the opportunity to easily share your views. Panel members will have the opportunity to provide feedback on emerging concepts and ideas.

    Every time you complete a survey, you’ll go in the draw to win a $100 voucher. Terms and conditions apply.

    We just need a bit of information so we can understand who is on the panel and to enable us to undertake demographic analysis. All personal details will be kept confidential. For more information on Waikato Regional Council’s management of personal information, please see our privacy statement.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at post-it@waikatoregion.govt.nz or call us on 0800 800 401.

    All questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required

    begin form
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    From 1 July 2025, we’re changing the way bus, community transport and Total Mobility services are rated for in the Waikato region.

    These services provide access to education, employment, recreation, healthcare and more, while also helping to cut congestion, improve road safety and reduce carbon emissions.

    The cost of providing public transport is covered through a mix of fares, central government funding and rates. Our staff have been developing three regional rating models in partnership with local councils, and we now want to test them with our communities to see if we’re on the right track.

    When developing these three options, we’ve kept six principles in mind.

    • Public transport is a public good: Good public transport benefits everyone, so we all pay something, even if we don’t use it.
    • Fairness: What people pay reflects the benefits, costs and affordability of rates.
    • Efficiency: The rating model should be simple to administer.
    • Transparency: People should be able to understand how their rates are calculated.
    • Future-fit: The rating model should be able to adapt to future changes in the transport network.
    • Boundary-less: Services should meet community needs, regardless of city and district boundaries.

    The feedback we receive here will be collated and shared with regional councillors during a workshop in December. We’ll then refine the rating model options ahead of formal consultation with our communities in April 2025, before moving to regional rating from 1 July 2025.

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Page last updated: 22 Nov 2024, 04:04 PM